Exclusive: Shock Festival Posters!

We first told you about author, screenwriter, and artist Stephen Romano’s latest project Shock Festival ( “Welcome to the Shock Festival!” – January 2008) just a few days ago, and now we have some exclusive posters to show you that you won’t see anywhere else!
Remember when poster art was indeed an art form? It used to be that the poster alone could sell a film even if it was shit. Who could forget the badass artwork for such beloved cheese-fests as Mortuary, Mausoleum, Hell Night, The Gates of Hell, and of course Dawn of the Dead? It just mattered more back then. Now we get floating heads of pretty teens. Shock Festival reminds us of those days and makes us hunger for more! Are you listening, Hollywood?
For Romano this project has been a long, long year in the making, and the fruits of his labor appear to be pretty friggin’ sweet! Click on the teaser images below to gander at the goods!
Shock Festival will be having its premiere at Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors in Texas. In the meantime check out the book’s MySpace page and Shock Festival‘s official site.

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