DVD Release: Monsters & Marriages

An interesting lineup comes our way this Tuesday, January 15th, 2008. Is any of it worth picking up? Read on to find out!
The Attic (2006)
Directed by Mary Lambert
Now this was a disappointment. I was really looking forward to seeing what the Pet Sematary would do with an original script, but either her direction or the script or a combination of both were just flat. You can read my DVD review of The Attic if you want a more detailed listing of what’s wrong with this one, but needless to say it’s really not worth your time. Buy it here!
Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers (1956)
Directed by Fred F. Sears
A, a classic featuring the work of a true master; Ray Harryhausen. The stop-motion effects in this are top-notch even by today’s standards, but then that’s what you’d expect from the man, right? The story follows a scientist whose job it is to get rockets into space, but all the rockets keep disappearing. While investigating, the scientist and his wife are abducted by a flying saucer, where the aliens hold them captive and being their invasion. Buy it here!
Ghost Son (2007)
Directed by Lamberto Bava
This one’s got some promise; though Lamberto (son of Mario) hasn’t directed in quite a while, the idea is intriguing. A blissfully happy couple have their bliss damaged when the husband, Mark, is killed in a car accident. His ghost visits the widow and impregnates her (good trick), but as her son grows she begins to realize it’s out to kill her. The baby’s inappropriate reactions to seeing her naked don’t help matters. Buy it here!
It Came From Beneath the Sea (1955)
Directed by Robert Gordon
Ah, yes, forgot to mention this about the release of Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers; both of these films have been newly colorized for this DVD release. Not sure how I feel about that, but at least someone didn’t go back and, say, put in CG shots to replace Harryhausen’s masterful work. Shudder. The story is about a giant octopus that attacks San Francisco; what more do you need to know? Buy it here!
The Matrimony (2007)
Directed by Hua-Tao Teng
Wow, Tartan’s really trying to go the ghastly route with this cover art, which is too bad; people who pick it up expecting some drippy ghost story are going to have another thing coming. The tale is actually set in 1950’s China and tells of a man who looses the only woman he’s ever loved in a tragic car accident and is forced to marry someone else. This new woman is determined to make him love her, as well, but as soon as feeling start to develop the dead woman’s ghost takes issue with it. Read my review of The Matrimony for more! Buy it here!
Monster (2007)
Directed by Erik Estenberg
Here it is, folks; Asylum’s answer to Cloverfield, the simplistically-titled Monster. Can’t get much more blatant about it than that, can you? The difference here (aside from budget) is that this time a massive earthquake in Tokyo is what releases the titular creature, which two American filmmakers decide to document on its path of destruction. One can’t help but wonder just how close they get to matching Cloverfield, considering a lack of budget in this case might have actually helped matters. Look for Foy’s review soon! Buy it here!
Red Eye (2005)
Directed by Kim Dong-Bin
Not to be confused with the Wes Craven film of the same name, this Red Eye actually takes place on a train and is, well, Korean, so your really have no excuse to mix the two up. The story follows a girl during her first night at her new job as a railroad attendant, when she learns that some of the cars in her trained were involved in an accident where over 100 people died, and are very haunted. Terror ensues. Buy it here!
Winterbeast (1991)
Directed by Christopher Thies
This genre, I swear. The only genre on Earth where the worse a film is, the more people insist it must be seen. Apparently inept on every conceivable level, Winterbeast is the kind of movie that’s seen by one or two people, but everyone’s heard of at one point or another. Some call it “cult” status, some call it infamy; The point is the movie is well-known for how devastatingly bad it is, and I guess that’s really saying something. Buy it here!
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