Bousman Updates Saw V, Repo!

So it’s not a big amount of news, but Darren Lynn Bousman just posted on his MySpace blog that the Saw V production offices have officially opened … a mere two blocks away from where he’s working on Repo! The Genetic Opra.
Bousman, as you know, directed Saw II-IV, so the change to new director David Hackl is both strange for Bousman and somewhat exciting for fans. Not that Bousman wasn’t doing a great job; I honestly enjoyed Saw IV more than the rest of the sequels, but it’ll be cool to see what a new director brings to the franchise.
On the Repo! front, he reports that the film is now in front of the eyeballs of that most evil and destructive of creature (my words, not his): Hollywood executives. How they react should be documented soon enough, and personally I can’t wait to hear about it. He also unveiled another cool piece of production art for the horror opera, which you can see in a smaller form on your right. Love the old-school look of it, myself.
Look for more news from Saw V any day now!
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