Hasbro Does Cloverfield

It sure is strange in this day and age to hear about a major toy creator making the official toy for a horror/ monster movie as opposed to, say, your Sideshow or Gentle Giant. Apparently the makers of Cloverfield just wanted to make sure their figure gets into as many places as possible.
Variety (!) reports this morning that Hasbro is already taking pre-orders for their 14-inch Cloverfield monster that will include two heads (calm and agitated moods), monster sounds, 10 parasites and the Statue of Liberty head. The deal is apparently as new as the film’s success, as nothing had even been discussed previous to the January 18th release date.
But the great part is that, as of now, there’s still no pic of the toy on Hasbro’s site. Usually this is how monsters are unexpectedly revealed to the common moviegoers, when the toy from the movie is done, but in this case they’re being cool about not revealing the beast’s look. Gotta respect that!
Click here to pre-order the Cloverfield figure now, which is retailing for $100 and won’t even ship till September 30th. For more discussion on the film, check out the latest Dinner for Fiends!
Discuss the look of the beast in the Dread Central forums!