Hellboy and the Golden Johann

Who couldn’t love the first Hellboy movie? Ron Perlman was perfect in the make-up, and the effects got me caught up in the moment. After all that my mind went on a rampage trying to think of all the cool stuff (nerdy fanboy wishes) in the “Hellboy” comics that would be in the next installment. One of my visions actually came to fruition…
Recently the film’s official site was updated with a new poster that at first had me a little confused. Instead of reading the description of the poster like an intelligent person, I simply clicked on the pretty pictures and wondered what the hell I was looking at. Then the thought hit me, “Why not look at the title of this poster, jackass…”
Holy crap! It’s Johann Kraus, the ectoplasmic member of the B.P.R.D! The image shown in the poster is of Kraus’ helmet that helps seal in his less than stable body mass. Sounds like something I need for my mid-section. Help me B.P.R.D!
Hellboy II: The Golden Army will be hitting theatres this summer on July 11th.
– Syxx
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