Park Chan-Wook Needs Women!

The good news is that the first vampire film from Park Chan-Wook (pictured, Old Boy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance) is ready to go; the script is in place, financing is ready and waiting, and he’s got his leading man, The Host star Kang-ho Song. The bad news is he can’t find a woman willing to take the role of the film’s love interest, Tae-ju.
Apparently some explicit nudity and numerous sex scenes are making it difficult for Park to find a female actress who’s willing to show so much of herself according to Twitch Film. Though I seriously doubt the wait will be too much longer, it does suck (pun intended) that this is what’s holding up production.
The vampire film, which officially has no title again, is about a priest who volunteers for an experiment that is supposed to help eradicate a new disease, but instead he ends up transmitting it. He somehow lives longer than usual, but ends up dying quickly one night, only to wake up he next morning as a vampire. His renewed friendship with a childhood friend starts causing all sorts of issues when he finds himself attracted to his friend’s wife, who is attracted right back.
Keep it here for updates on the project as we learn them!
Through out some casting ideas in the Dread Central forums!