Frontier(s) Release Plan Set

After Dark Films has finally figured out its plans for Xavier (Hitman) Gens’ Frontier(s) it was announced today. Though the film was originally slated to be part of the 8 Films to Die For (we got Lake Dead instead…), its NC-17 rating could not be modified in time to get it in theaters this past November.
Today After Dark announced that it will be releasing the film, uncut, in theaters on May 9th in select markets before it drops to DVD on May 13th. Why bother with theatrical at all, you may ask? It’s said be a very beautifully shot film that lends itself well to the big screen, so After Dark is trying to make sure fans get to see it in the best possible way.
Frontier(s), in case you’ve forgotten, tells of a group of thieves who are headed for the Danish border when they check into a motel that turns out to be run by neo-Nazi psychopaths. Apparently it’s vicious and brutal as hell; you can learn more about it by perusing my interview with director Xavier Gens.
Hopefully ADF will get the film out to more than just a few markets, but we’ll keep our eyes open and let you know when there’s a solid list. You can learn more about it at its official French site here!
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