Hellboy Gets Mugged

If there’s one thing I wish stores like Target and such would carry more of, it’d be Hellboy stuff. I guess everyone’s afraid that junior may see the word “Hell” and start saying it around the house, but parents are cool with those little prosti-tot dolls called Bratz…
Anyway, Dark Horse Comics sent us some pics from Hellboy‘s newest merchandising adventure. Want to spend every morning with Red and make your co-workers raise their eyebrows? Then you need a Hellboy ceramic coffee mug featuring art from Mike Mignola himself. It’s black, it’s badass and it beats the hell out of the ones that say things like “World’s Best Boss.”
On top of that there’s some good news here for you Lobster Johnson fans: The fictional character will be getting his own PVC figure in a three-pack that includes Hellboy and Abe Sapien. There will also be variations on how these figures come packed. You’ll be able to find the PVC heroes in a “book-and-figure boxed set that will feature a special new edition of the graphic novel that started it all, Seed of Destruction,” according to Dark Horse.
Look for these things in June, but before then Dark Horse is working with Mike Mignola on new t-shirts that should hit in the spring!

– Syxx
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