Argento, Friday Box Sets?

Over the past few days we’ve received a couple of rumors of upcoming DVD box sets that I just want to throw against the wall and see what sticks, since it’s going to be a slow news day thanks to the “holiday”.
The first is probably not so much a rumor as an early announcement that Anchor Bay is planning a Dario Argento box set to be out this summer, likely to tie in with the June 6th release of Mother of Tears. Dark Dreams got word that the set will include Do You Like Hitchcock?, The Card Player, Trauma, Phenomena and Tenebre, the latter two receiving their own stand-alone special editions as well.
Though this isn’t exactly a “greatest hits” box set in terms of quality Argento, it’ll still be nice to get an SE of Tenebre and Phenomena, one of my Argento guilty pleasures. We’ll hopefully have more details soon!
The next rumored box set might just be a fanboy dream as opposed to actual reality: a real Friday the 13th box set to coincide with the February 19th, 2009 release of the remake.
According to various scoopers, this rumored set will include every single Friday film from the original to Freddy Vs. Jason. The reasons this is likely more dream than reality have to do with Paramount’s unwillingness to part with its original 8 films, despite the shoddy treatment they gave them with the first box set, and the fact that New Line, which owns the latest three, may soon be history altogether (more on that here).
Of course, stranger things have happened … though I’ll be damned if I can think of any right now. For now we’ll do some digging and see what we can find, always hoping that eventually this box set will get done, packed with features and all the uncut films, so we can check off another “must have” from our DVD list.
Hope your life winds up in a box set someday in the Dread Central forums!