Dead Space Online

Nothing like zombies in space, you know? I bet that’s where they’ll go with the next Resident Evil movie … or if they weren’t they will now. Someone in Hollywood is always looking for bad ideas.
Luckily Dead Space, the upcoming horror game from EA Games, ain’t Hollywood. Yet. Today we received word that the official Dead Space site is now live and has a ton of horrific goodies for you to surf through, including extensive behind-the-scenes coverage with daily blogs from the games creators, a look at the upcoming Dead Space comic featuring art by Ben (30 Days of Night) Templesmith and more!
Not enough for you? Greedy little suckers, aren’t you? Fine, how about this; G4 just launched a brand-new developer diary from the creators of Dead Space that you can dig on below. That’s a lot of content for you to get through, but will it be enough to hold you over till November 30th, when the game is out? Doubtful!
Click here to pre-order Dead Space through Evilshop and hit up Video Dread for the Dead Space trailer to see more!
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