DVD Releases: Parking Garage of the Dead

An interesting lineup of new horror DVDs is coming your way this Tuesday, April 8th, 2008…
The Cellar Door (2007)
Directed by Matt Zettell
We’ve seen it done before, but apparently something is different about this indie production because I found all sorts of good reviews for it online. The Cellar Door focuses on a girl who awakens to find herself trapped in a serial killer’s basement, a serial killer who is slowly building the perfect girl with all the right pieces he can find. She must fight to stay both alive and in one piece. Buy it here!
Cruel World (2005)
Directed by Kelsey T. Howard
Jaime Pressly (snicker) and Eddie Furlong (guffaw) star in this reality-show-gone-wrong slasher that sounds about as interesting as either star’s career arc to date. Years ago, you see, Furlong was dumped by Pressly on a very well-watched reality show. Now, several years and reality shows later, he wants revenge, luring coeds to her mansion for a sick reality game that no one is intended to win. Buy it here!
Crypt of Terror: A Collection of Nightmares
Directed by Various
I’m really not sure if these are new releases or re-packaged older ones (this series from BCI is very confusing to try and follow), but I do know that it features Tiny Tim. Yes, “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” Tiny Tim. That’s about all it features, but it’s proud enough of it to put it on the front of the box. In this collection are Black Candles, Naked Dreams, Evil Eye and Blood Harvest. If you’re really just getting it for Tiny Tim, he’s in the last feature. Buy it here!
Day of the Dead (2008)
Directed by Steve Miner
Damn you, Taurus Entertainment. Through some fucked-up collaboration of people, money, and the black arts, these guys have rights to more than a few original Romero titles and keep making stuff like this from them. From what I’ve heard, Day of the Dead isn’t as bad as some of the others to date (Creepshow 3, Day of the Dead 2: Contagium), but that doesn’t make me any happier to have it. Read our “>Day of the Dead review to learn more! Buy it here!
Kings of Horror: Bela Lugosi & Boris Karloff
Directed by Various
Yeah, it’s just a re-release of a whole bunch of Bela & Boris movies (16, to be exact), but you have to love that cover, no? Looks like someone actually took the time to be somewhat creative, which is always nice. Included in this (ridiculously cheap) box set are films like White Zombie, The Bat, The Snake People, The Mysterious Mr. Wong, The Corpse Vanishes, The Gorilla and a lot more! Great starter course for anyone trying to learn more about classic horror! Buy it here!
Magus (2007)
Directed by John Lechago
Wow, this one sounds a bit out there. Magus is about the titular wizard, who has decided to ignore the Wizard’s Code, in place for centuries to keep us normal humans safe, and start doing all manner of evil stuff with his power, his ultimate goal being to gain mastery over his arts. Felix, a broken-down healer, learns of Magus’ evil doings and comes out of reclusion to try and stop Magus before it’s too late. Buy it here!
The Nanny (1965)
Directed by Seth Holt
As terrifying as Fran Drescher’s voice is, thankfully this has nothing to do with the shitty TV series of the same name. Instead the story is about a 10-year-old sent to an institution after drowning his sister in the bath, even though he insists it’s the fault of their nanny (Bette Davis). Eventually he comes back home, and pretty soon the bodies are piling up, with all eyes slowly shifting to the nanny as a deadly cat-and-mouse game ensues. Buy it here!
P2 (2007)
Directed by Franck Khalfoun
A pretty simple idea, P2 is, but it shows just how well something can resonate with fans if it’s done with just a bit of respect and intelligence. Rachel Nichols stars as a girl who’s working late on Christmas Eve. When she tries to leave the parking garage, she realizes she’s trapped in by a lonely, psychotic parking attendant (Wes Bentley) and now has to fight to survive. Be sure to read our “>P2 DVD review to learn more, and check out our exclusive P2 clip here for a taste of what you’re in for! Buy it here!
Red Cell (2007)
Directed by Chris Schwartz
A terminally ill man awakens in a deep, dark basement, his last memory being in the hospital after the doctors figured out what was wrong with him. He has visions of a psychotic doctor who performed all sorts of unethical operations and experiments, and now he’s in a race to survive both the doctor and his illness to tell his family goodbye before he’s gone forever. But the psychotic doctor has other plans for him, plans that include … DEATH! Sorry, but it’s a York release; what are the chances of quality? Buy it here!
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