Barker to Pen Hellraiser Remake

Well, this is unexpected; though I guess in reality we should’ve seen it coming.
The official resource for all things Clive Barker, Revelations, just got the exclusive word from the man that Bob Weinstein has invited him to write a remake of his directorial debut, Hellraiser, and Barker has agreed!
Clive agreed to do it for many reasons, first and foremost is that if he doesn’t write it, someone else will and he’ll likely not be happy with it. He’s also excited to see what can be done with more money this time out, which Dimension has obviously promised to the production.
“It’s only that one that I really, really, really care about in terms of its remake value” Barker told the site.“and it’ll be kind of fun to have the extra money to do the effects and all that cool stuff … So it puts me in the situation of writing both the beginning and the end of Pinhead at the same time” This comment is because, as you may be aware, Barker is working on The Scarlet Gospels, his next novel which will be the end of Pinhead for all time.
He’s not looking to direct the remake, just write and produce, but hopefully since the Weinstien’s were smart enough to approach him first, they’ll also allow him to have some say as to who will direct. Obviously we’re going to be keeping a very close eye on this one. The first film is a classic in so many ways that it’ll be hard to see a new version of it, but that’s not to say there isn’t some room for improvement.
Stay tuned for more as we learn it!
Wonder how they’ll improve Hellraiser in our forums!