Ghost House Goes Underground

What strikes me most funny about this article is the reference in the very first line to “the booming horror genre”. Like horror’s never made money before? Like it’s this newly discovered method of getting a lot for a little?
The Hollywood Reporter learned this morning that Ghost House Pictures, Sam Raimi’s little genre label that can’t, is off-shooting itself into Ghost House Underground, which will team them with Grindstone Entertainment Group to distribute 12-20 direct-to-DVD horror titles a year through Lionsgate.
Even though Ghost House has done nothing but disappoint (save for 30 Days of Night) since its inception, GH Underground is looking promising already since one of their first releases this October will be Dark Floors (trailer), the monster movie staring monster rockers Lordi that I’ve been looking forward to for months.
Other films on the initial release slate include Room 205, Last House in the Woods, Trackman, The Substitute and the Ken Foree/Sid Haig vampire flick Brotherhood of Blood, which ain’t a bad lineup at all!
Expect to hear more about Ghost House Underground in the coming months right here at Dread Central!
Ponder what other titles they may release in the Dread Central forums!