Fox, Not Blue Sky, Animates Anubis

Just the “>other day we reported on a rumored adaptation of the small press title The Anubis Tapestry: Between Twilights from Bruce Zick that might be coming from Blue Sky Studios (Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age). This morning Variety confirmed and clarified the rumor, so we shall do the same!
In actuality it’s Fox Animation who has the rights to Anubis, whom the trade says will do a “loose” adaptation of the book. The novel’s story follows a boy who has to become a mummy and battle monsters in order to save his father from an eternity in the Egyptian Underworld. I wonder what they’re going to change and why; sounds like a lot of fun to me!
Hit up the official Anubis Tapestry site at Actionopolis to read a sample chapter and learn more about the book, and learn more about the mythology it creates via the book’s MySpace page.
We’ll keep an eye on this and let you know when we hear just what they’ll be changing about the story. Hopefully it ain’t much, but the words “loost adaptation” don’t fill me with confidence…
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