Dreamworks Fights Back Atlantis


Atlantis Rising coming from DreamworksImagine if one day, for no discernable reason, Atlantis finally decided to make its way back to the surface and kick our land-dwelling asses. Such is the premise (well, sort of) for Platinum Studios’ Atlantis Rising, which The Hollywood Reporter learned has been bought up by Dreamworks for a live-action adaptation.

Written by Scott O. Brown, the five-issue series starts out with some seismic disturbances that force the world’s military to look really, really deep underground to understand the source. Once there, they discover an underground world that’s rising to wage all-out war with our planet.

You can start downloading the comic through Wowio right now if the idea intrigues you or just to be a step in front of your friends and neighbors. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci will oversee production of the film, which is currently looking for a writer. More as we get it!

Johnny Butane

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