Midnight Meat Train Arrives in August!

Ryuhei Kitamura’s adaptation of Clive Barker’s story Midnight Meat Train has seen its fair share of troubles trying to pull out of the station. Near name changes, delays and rumors were bouncing all around, and then word came that the pic was missing its May 16th arrival. Times were looking bleak.
Then what’s this?! Lionsgate has given Midnight Meat Train a new release date?! The film’s name is also staying the same?! All the animals we scarified were not in vain since Clive Barker’s tale of a photo-journalist tracking down a serial subway murderer will be in theatres on August 1st!
There is a little bad news, sadly. This new release date puts MMT right up against the second Mummy sequel. Out of the two, which would you prefer to see on opening day?
– Syxx
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