Nana Visitor is Pamela Voorhees

There’s going to be grit! There’s going to be dirt! There’s going to be a beautiful woman who was once the fantasy of many “Star Trek” fans! Ah, Platinum Dunes’ Friday the 13th has added someone to the cast to kinda be excited about!
This past weekend, Screen Geeks chatted it up with “Deep Space Nine” hottie Nana Visitor and she spilled some beans we weren’t expecting: Nana has been cast in the role of Jason’s mother, Pamela Voorhees. She stated that her part in the film was minor and that a cast has been made of Visitor’s head.
If you remember, the first Friday flick ended with Mama Voorhees getting her block cut off … so does this mean the Platinum Dunes version of Friday the 13th isn’t really going in a different direction?
– Syxx
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