Matt Smith Joins Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Part of me still doesn’t believe that this movie is now actually happening given all the problems that it had getting off of the ground, but alas… patience and persistence and zombies pays off!
THR is reporting that “Doctor Who’s” Matt Smith (pictured) is the next to join the quickly growing cast of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which also includes Lily James, Sam Riley, Jack Huston, Bella Heathcote, and Douglas Booth.
Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St. Cloud) is directing from a screenplay by David O. Russell and Steers. Brian Oliver, Allison Shearmur, Sean McKittrick, Natalie Portman, Annette Savitch, Tyler Thompson, and Marc Butan are producing the film, which mixes the 1817 Jane Austen classic Pride and Prejudice with a legion of bloodthirsty undead, on behalf of Sierra/Affinity, which is also handling foreign sales. (The project was formerly at Panorama but moved over with Butan when he joined Sierra/Affinity in January.)
Seth Grahame-Smith’s popular novel plays with the relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England who are faced with the challenge of an army of the “sorry stricken” (i.e., zombies).
