Days of the Dead Convention Invading L.A.

In the Los Angeles area with some to time to… “kill?” Then you need to focus your attention on the upcoming Days of the Dead convention, which is headed to L.A. on September 26-28 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott!
Need some more convincing? Try these reasons on for size!
- Clive Barker in person!
- A Devil’s Rejects reunion with Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, and Ken Foree!
- The Return of the Living Dead reunion!
- A Nightbreed reunion!
- Cast reunion for John Carpenter’s The Thing!
- So fucking much more!
Also, Dread Central buddies Savage Productions are bringing John Schneider to the show, and there will be a special screening of his movie Smothered to boot!
For more info and to get tickets, visit the Days of the Dead website!