Mrs. Voorhees Gets Her Own Printable 8-Bit NES Mask

Last week we shared with you a fan-made 8-bit Jason Voorhees mask that you could print out right in the comfort of your own home, which was a truly awesome gift for those with nostalgic feelings of lovin’ towards the Friday the 13th Nintendo game. But what about the franchise’s original killer? Doesn’t she deserve the same treatment? Today, she gets it!
What many don’t remember about that oddball game is that Mrs. Voorhees was also in it, depicted as a floating 8-bit severed head. Pamela was a mini-boss that you had to beat off before getting to her vengeful son, and defeating her won you special weapons to better arm yourself for that big boss battle.
Courtesy of Jack’s Attic, the same website that brought us that aforementioned NES Jason mask, comes a FREE printable Mrs. Voorhees mask, based on her appearance in the infamous game. With frazzled 8-bit hair and a purple face of doom, Mrs. Voorhees has never looked more terrifying, and we can’t think of a more unique Halloween costume than this one.
Check out both masks below and remember – all you need is a printer and a piece of string!