New Ghostbusters Game Reaction!

A few different members of the press have been lucky enough to go hands on with the upcoming Ghostbusters game and have brought back some promising details. First of all, Eurogamer got word on how much involvement Dan Aykroyd has had in the game; apparently he’s been regularly playing the latest version and passing on notes.
For anyone who has forgotten, apart from Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis, the original cast are all back and Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis have penned the full script which, in part at least, sees some of the ghosts that the Ghostbusters have already captured turning up again where they were first met.
That means that despite the game being a sequel (set in the early nineties), classic scenes such as the library ghost, Slimer in the hotel and others will be recreated, albeit each with a few new tricks up their sleeve to keep things interesting.
You play as a new member of the team, and as such Egon sees you as a bit of a guinea pig. This isn’t as bad as it sounds, as it means that you get to test out all the new equipment he’s been working on.
Joystiq talked more about some of the specific things they’ve seen, like a physics demo using the new slime gun that allows you to tether two things together. After tethering the slime contracts, so if you tether something to the ceiling it will be hoisted up into the air. You can then tether things to the tethered things. Tether.
Beyond sounding like fun, it isn’t clear yet what gameplay scenarios this will lead to but hopefully developers Terminal Reality have got some good ideas. The Ghostbusters game is still slated for an October release.
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