Halloween Hijinx – Help Put Kids in Costumes


Here at Dread Central we’re all about giving back, and any time we get the chance to help spread the word about a worthwhile cause, we jump on it. Two have come to our attention that we’re thrilled to share with you.

First up, Gary Cecil over at The Black Cat Horror Blog has launched a Get Kids in Costumes initiative. The basis of this charity is to help underprivileged children and their families on Halloween to make sure that the little ones have Halloween costumes and baskets to celebrate the spookiest day of the year.

Every dollar earned will go directly to an account set up specifically for the donations! Whether it’s a penny or a hundred bucks, it doesn’t matter. Click here to learn more and to contribute.

Get Kids in Costumes

One thing I know about first-hand is how much it sucks to spend Halloween night in the hospital. Believe you me, it was NOT as exciting as it was for Laurie Strode in Halloween II. That being said, one of the most popular Halloween shops, Spirit Halloween, has launched a Spirit of Children campaign as a means to help make the hospital stays of kids a lot more fun on Halloween.

Click here to learn more and to contribute.

Come on, guys! It’s that time of year when everyone is entitled to AT LEAST one good scare! Do something good… and spooky… today!

Spirit of Children



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