ICP Races to The Asylum

It only figures that the Insane Clown Posse would find themselves in an asylum sooner or later. They are insane, aren’t they? But this asylum is The Asylum, those masters of the motion picture mockbuster like Alien vs. Hunter and Snakes on a Train. Just this week they released Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls; bet you can’t guess what that’s a mockbuster of.
The ICP will be co-starring in The Asylum’s September release: Death Racers. Yep; it’s a mockbuster of Death Race, the Death Race 2000 remake directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and starring Jason Statham opening this September. The brief plot description on The Asylum’s website describes Death Racers as follows:
“In this grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost you your life, contestants participate in a cross-country death race where killing is how you win the game.”
So The Asylum’s knock-off of the remake of Death Race 2000 will actually have more in common with the plot of Death Race 2000 than the remake? I can’t decide if The Asylum should be applauded for this or if it just further reminds me why I detest Paul WS Anderson so much.
The Asylum lists the director of Death Racers as none other than Roy Knyrim, the filmmaker who gave us the indescribable Demons at the Door, the gore-soaked Cemetery Gates, and the sci-fi shocker Night Skies. I’m guessing this one will also be an unhinged bloodbath.
As for the Insane Clown Posse, Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J announced in a YouTube video (which you can see below) that they would be playing themselves driving around in a big ice cream truck killing people for points. No mention of The Asylum in their video news update, but they do say that filming should begin this week and that Death Racers is also bound for the Sci-Fi Channel.
Death Racers is slated to hit DVD shelves on September 23rd, three days before the September 26th big screen release of Death Race. The Asylum is nothing if not opportunistically punctual.
Race to find a quick death for Asylum mockbusters in the Dread Central forums!