Lineup Announced for 2014 Mile High Horror Film Festival

The fifth annual Mile High Horror Film Festival kicks off in Denver on October 9th, and the weekend of events will include screenings of films both new and old. In fact, this year’s lineup is downright stacked with delicious goodies so read on for the full announcement!
From the Press Release:
The Mile High Horror Film Festival returns to celebrate five strong years with our best film lineup yet. This year the festival expands to include 80 independent horror films from 18 different countries. From slasher maniacs to supernatural spirits, the 2014 lineup is sure to make your skin crawl.
We have several special events lined up that pay homage to the genre: a 60th anniversary presentation of CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON in 3D with actress Julie Adams in person, a 40th anniversary presentation of THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE with the original ‘Leatherface,’ Gunnar Hansen in person, CANDYMAN with horror icon Tony Todd in person, and a 15-year anniversary reunion for THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT with directors Dan Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez in person.
For fans of monster flicks, our films EXISTS (2014 USA), X MOOR, and LATE PHASES (2014 USA) are sure to please. Slasher fans, don’t miss PRESERVATION (2014 USA), DER SAMURAI (2014 Germany), and DEAD SNOW 2 (2014 Norway/Iceland).
If you like psychological thrillers, this lineup is sure to keep the heart pumping all weekend long: THE MAN IN THE ORANGE JACKET (2014 Latvia/Estonia), BLOOD PUNCH (2013 USA), HOOKED UP (2013 Spain), THE RECONSTRUCTION OF WILLIAM ZERO (2014 USA) STILL LIFE (2014 Argentina), and HOUSEBOUND (2014 New Zealand).
Fans of the V/H/S series, we will showcase the Colorado debut of the third installment, V/H/S: VIRAL. To top things off, we will host the 90-year anniversary of the silent classic THE HANDS OF ORLAC (1924 Germany/Austria) with a live original score performed by Paul Buscarello.
Additional films will be announced soon.
Kick off the Halloween season with us at the Mile High Horror Film Festival. This year’s event takes place October 9-12 at the Alamo Drafthouse in Littleton and includes feature filmmakers, artists, celebrities, and of course all the gore and horror that makes our festival a must see.
For a full list of events and ticket information, visit