NYCC Toy Gallery Live!

All right, it took longer than any of us would’ve liked, thanks in no small part to various sicknesses, Tribeca and other conspiring factors, but I’m proud to announce that our massive toy gallery from New York Comic Con is now online!
Nomad was only there for one day, but as you can see he was quite prolific at taking pictures of any and all badass toys that you may even have a slightly passing interest in. There’s some really good stuff in here, stuff you’ve probably never seen before! Click here for the New York Comic Con 2008 toy gallery!
But that’s not all; we shot a lot of footage at the show, footage that is now in the hands of our trusty editor Clint, so expect to see that cropping up very soon, as well!
Hold your favorite toys close to you in the Dread Central forums!