Monstrous Look at New Digging Up the Marrow Variant Poster

Created explicitly for Film4 FrightFest, the first of four variant posters for Adam Green’s latest directorial feature film, Digging Up the Marrow, was unveiled to a hungry audience which gobbled them up faster than Victor Crowley could nail you with a magic belt sander. At this past weekend’s MondoCon, variant number two was unveiled, and we have a look right here for ya!
Like what you see? Of course you do. The mere fact that you’re reading this website proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have taste and moxie! Even better, you can score this baby RIGHT NOW by heading over to the ArieScope website, which also has a few of the original variant just waiting for you to dig into!
Tell ’em Creepy sent ya, and Green will personally make sure your poster is completely fucked up during shipping!
Green also stars in the documentary film, which he made with artist Alex Pardee along with Ray Wise, Tom Holland, Kane Hodder, Mick Garris, and a host of other familiar faces. In Digging Up the Marrow an exploration of genre-based monster art takes an odd turn when the filmmakers are contacted by a man who claims he can prove that monsters are indeed real.