Siren Blood Curse Covers Europe

While we’d been guessing it would be the case, PS3 Fanboy discovered via a disc of assets given to them by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe that the new Siren reimagining will be released outside of Japan, heading into Europe this summer, and presumably coming to America around the same time.
Interestingly, those rumors about the game being an episodic affair are true. The Siren games have always been structured rather like the Ju-On movies: A series of out of order chapters each focusing on different characters. Now each chapter will be a bite-sized, appropriately priced, stand-alone game.
I’m personally a fan of the episodic model so long as the episodes aren’t too spaced out (one a month would be ideal), and with 12 episodes slated, that sounds like quite a plausible schedule. The episodes will be released via the PlayStation Store, though whether or not there’ll be any brick and mortar release is currently unknown.
The model has proven successful for adventure games like Sam and Max, and structurally Siren is a perfect fit for it, but we’ll have to see how episodic horror shapes up come this summer when Siren Blood Curse (the official title, at least in Europe ) begins to take hold.
Though a US release has yet to be announced, this is all but a confirmation given that the game is being translated into English and that it’s a digital release. Siren Blood Curse will be a PS3 exclusive.
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