9″ Alien Coming This Month!

The xenomorph from Ridley Scott’s Alien has seen many incarnations throughout the years from several toymakers. Some have been good, some OK, but none really did justice to H.R. Giger’s killing machine.
Like with many other licenses, NECA has stepped up to the plate and is promising to deliver the “first figure that truly captures the nightmarish essence of H.R. Giger’s iconic creature design” this May. Seeing that their track record is pretty damn good with bringing the goods, I’ll hold them to it.
This new Alien will be part of the 7″ series of toys the company usually puts out, but in fact, the Kane-spawned beast will really be 9″ tall with 20 points of articulation. On top of that good news, there will also be an 18″ version of the xenomorph sometime in the future. Pictures of the big guy will be up on Friday, but for now we’ve got plenty of the little dude below and even more in our NYCC photo gallery!

– Syxx
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