Update on AWIL Doccumentary Beware the Moon!

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from Paul Davis, the man behind the American Werewolf in London retrospective Beware the Moon, but suddenly we got an e-mail from the man yesterday with some very good news…
Beware the Moon is, for all intents and purposes, done! Davis said that it’s currently out to John Landis for his approval; then it goes on to distribution meetings and so on. Universal has expressed interest in picking up the documentary (for a Blu-Ray Werewolf? We can hope!), and Davis said he couldn’t be happier with the final product.
Right now the final run time on Beware the Moon rests at a comfortable 105 minutes, which may seem lengthy, but he insists those who have seen it have never commented on it being too long. Really, with something this extensive for a movie this well-loved, why would anyone complain?
Check out some new clips from Beware the Moon below, and be sure to hit up the doc’s MySpace page for a helluva lot more. Keep it here for updates very soon!
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