Verbinski Helms BioShock Film!

Variety has learned that Pirates of the Caribbean/The Ring helmer Gore Verbinski has been brought on board by Universal to direct “>BioShock (review), the film based on the incredibly good and incredibly original Xbox 360 game that was released last year and won the hearts of fans across the world almost immediately.
I have to admit I really didn’t see this one coming! Though it’s been rumored for a while now that a movie version of BioShock was in the works, the scale of the film wasn’t really understood until today.
What made BioShock so special, aside from its amazing underwater setting, is the incredibly strong narrative; you play a man whose plane crashes in the middle of the ocean, mere feet from the entrance to Rapture, an underwater city built by the brilliant but possibly insane Andrew Ryan that was supposed to be Utopia for artists and creative people. But something went very wrong, and through the course of your journey, you begin to find out what…
It’s a safe bet that the story will remain intact from game to film. “I think the whole utopia-gone-wrong story that’s cleverly unveiled to players is just brimming with cinematic potential,” Verbinski told the trade. “Of all the games I’ve played, this is one that I felt has a really strong narrative.”
Keep it here for more BioShock updates as we learn them!
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