Henkel Preps a New TCM?

It’s been a while since anyone’s been talking about Texas Chainsaw Massacre, since the last thing that came our way tended to underwhelm and no plans for anything new have been in place. Then Fangoria talked to Kim Henkel, writer of the Tobe Hooper original, who gave them the word that he’s working on a new Leatherface adventure.
Don’t worry that he wasn’t hired by Platinum Dunes to bring their franchise back to life; instead he just has a new TCM script ready to go and needs to figure out what to do with it. It’s the first time since the original that I’ve done something that I wanted to do with it,” he told the mag. ”I’m excited about being able to truly realize what I’ve put down on paper.”
Now, before you get too excited, please remember that Henkel’s the man who both wrote and directed Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation, which I don’t think anyone would argue is the worst, and most embarrassing, of the series.
So what will this new one be about? “Let me say that it moves the whole situation forward,”Henkel explained. ”It places everything in the present and is very much a product of these times. It leaves behind the setting of ‘30 years ago’.”
Should be an interesting one to follow; we’ll let you know as soon as we hear more!
Wonder if he’ll even be able to keep the title in the Dread Central forums!