Exclusive: Massive Faces of Death Special Edition Coming Home!

Over the weekend I got a call from our man Andrew Kasch, video editor extraordinaire, who gave us a heads up on a new project he’s working on for Michael Felsher’s Red Shirt Pictures, those badasses who’ve done supplemental material for DVDs like The Monster Squad and Hellraiser.
Kasch gave us the good news that he’s helping out Red Shirt handling some behind-the-scenes features for an upcoming special edition of the original 1978 Faces of Death that will be released here in the States by none other than Gorgon Video! Here’s what we know about it so far:
More may be announced soon, and of course we’ll bring you additional info as soon as we have it! Finally, we’ll be able to find out, once and for all, which are the “real” deaths and which are staged. One of the universal unanswered questions will finally be revealed!
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