Halloween 4 Audio Sync Issues Being Looked Into

If there’s a single blight on Anchor Bay and Scream Factory’s release of the Halloween: The Complete Collection Blu-ray (review), it’s that there’s a 10-minute stretch during Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers in which the audio does not sync up properly.
The audio issue was present on Anchor Bay’s previous release of Halloween 4 on Blu-ray, and reports are that it’s even worse here. The problems start around the 45:30 mark, when Jamie is wandering the streets alone, having lost her group of trick-or-treaters, before bumping into Rachael. The characters’ lips are clearly not matching up with their words, some lines much more obviously than others. The issue persists for a good ten-minute chunk before correcting itself.
Related Story: Halloween News Archive
Anchor Bay and Scream Factory have issued the following official statement:
“Anchor Bay and Scream Factory are digging deeper into the audio sync issue of H4. Please stay tuned, and we’ll update you with any news as soon as we can…”
Yeah, I’m thinking a replacement disc will soon be on its way. Stay tuned.
