FSudol’s City of Rott 2 Shambles to DVD

Around these parts we’re big fans of Frank Sudol’s hilarious animated zombie flick City of Rott, and it gives us no end of pleasure to announce that City of Rott 2 is officially on its way to home video! Read on for the details.
From the Press Release:
Years after the Rott Worm Plague has turned the world into a post-apocalyptic nightmare, Max, a pawn of D’Vower’s Army, must break free and join forces with a walker-wielding Wiseman if he’s to find a cure to the painful skin worms that infect him. Up against a ruthless assassin, a mysterious alien UFO, the army he left behind, and a city filled with Rotters, it’s up to Max to fight the odds… or perish forever in the City of Rott.
From the creator of the international cult hit City of Rott, the bloody action flows freely in this animated zombie sequel, FSudol’s City of Rott 2.
Special Features
- Making of
- Trailer
- Poster Gallery
- More!