New Infographic Explores the Many Faces of Leatherface

Leatherface. Now here’s a character who has never really looked the same twice. There’s no denying his outfits of choice have run the gamut between really cool and who the hell said that was okay? This latest infographic from explores his various visages along with a body count to go with ’em!
Picking a favorite is pretty hard. Speaking personally, I really dig the way the character was presented in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (both original and remake) as well as the mask from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part III. Everything about Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation was kind of goofy, especially Leatherface’s now perfect teeth, but each and every guise was head and shoulders better than the mess we get in Texas Chainsaw 3D.
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