Dracula’s Dungeons Uncovered! Archaeologists Tempt Fate!

Following up on our story about Dracula’s grave being found, news has broken over at the International Business Times that archaeologists believe they have discovered dungeons, tunnels, and a military shelter at Tokat Castle in northern Turkey where Vlad the Impaler – who served as the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s character Dracula – is believed to have been held hostage in the early 15th century.
The find was made during restoration works at the castle, which uncovered a secret tunnel leading to the nearby Pervane Baths and a military shelter. Two dungeons were discovered, where Wallachian Prince Vlad III, known as Vlad the Impaler, is believed to have been kept captive by the Ottoman Turks.
“The castle is completely surrounded by secret tunnels. It is very mysterious,” said archaeologist Ibrahim Çetin. “It is hard to estimate in which room Dracula was kept, but he was around here.”
Honestly, even if said dungeons have been found, given the sheer amount of violence surrounding this torrid tale, it may just be better to let everything… well… rest in peace!
Source: International Business Times