Jennifer’s Body Set Visit Preview!

I wish I could give you guy more details from the set of Jennifer’s Body than I actually can, but all in good time, fiends. What I can tell you is that the film looks like it’s going to be a helluva lot of fun, full of all those things we horror fans hold so near and dear: blood, guts and laughs.
For those who have forgotten, Jennifer’s Body stars Megan Fox (pictured) as Jennifer, a high school girl who is having issues with her lifelong best friend, Needy (Amanda Seyfried), just around the time a satanic rock band, lead by Nikolai (Adam Brody), comes to town. Pretty soon Jennifer becomes possessed by a demonic entity that causes her to, quite literally, eat the boys in her school alive.
The overall vibe on the set, and granted we were only there for a day so it’s sometimes hard to judge, was one of excitement; everyone we talked to was having a good time and felt a part of something special. Never a bad thing to hear in this genre…
Despite the fact that three of the film’s producers referred to Jennifer’s Body as a “warm” horror film, something screenwriter Diablo Cody called bullshit on, there’s a lot to look forward to from it. We just have to hope that all the good vibes from the set translate to the editing room and Fox sticks to their guns when it comes to the visceral aspects of it, which we were assured were plentiful.
I’ll have a full set visit for you guys as we near a release date!
Wish you could’ve been that close to Megan Fox in the Dread Central forums!