Horror History: John Carpenter’s The Thing Originally Took Place Under Water

Here’s a tidbit of news concerning one of our absolute favorite movies of all time, John Carpenter’s The Thing! There has been a treasure trove of facts and trivia coming out pertaining to this flick but this is one we didn’t “sea” coming!
During an interview with Vulture detailing his career Carpenter revealed the following bit of info…
At one point in the film’s journey to the screen Texas Chain Saw Massacre co-creators Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel worked on the script for The Thing at one point.
“Yes,” Carpenter confirmed, adding this nasty little tid-bit. “They wrote a whole draft before I came along. All sorts of drafts were written before I came along. One was underwater … they were just trying to make it work.”
Can you imagine how that would have ended up! Hit up the above link for more with The Master including a bit of reminiscing on the Day that Horror Died.
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