Shock Festival Week 3 Winner!

Mr. Stephen Romano just sent us over this week’s winner in our ongoing Shock Festival contest. The man’s name is “Paul” and his film is entitled, of course, Shark Women of Sex Island! Romano had this to say about the concept;
“This is a direct tribute to several of my favorite shark movies, combined with an Emanuele Around the Wolrd vibe … and some blood, too.” The winner will see his poster in the upcoming IDW book Shock Festival (pre-order here), and there’s still time to enter so click here for all the details.
But wait! There’s more! “Since so many of you seem to think it’s such a shame that these films don’t really exist (I’d especially like to see THIS one!) . . . well, whatya say we just go and MAKE them exist?” Romano questions, “In just one week, I will be starting an official Shock Festival trailer contest over at my website and on my Myspace page, in which I’ll be inviting filmmakers of every shape and size to create actual trailers for the fictional films of Shock Festival. Each entry judged totally awesome will be featured on an all-new Shock Festival DVD series, which will be coming out next year, featuring tons of amazing Grindhouse oddities and remastered trailers from my personal archives! YOUR TRAILERS will be featured proudly, right alonside the classics that inspired the wackky world of Shcok Festival!
“The official start of this business will be on the first of June, when the rules and regs will be posted . . . so all you early birds who like to make movies start thinking about which of the films featured so far on Dread Central you would like to see . . . and MAKE IT HAPPEN!”
Pretty badass, no? We will, of course, be showing off the better entires over here, too, so that’s triple exposure if you’re so inclinded to get off your ass and make some art!

Hope you’re the next winner in the Dread Central forums!