Fright Rags Comes to Evilshop!

Well, now, ain’t it just getting cozy up in Evilshop as of late? When our e-store first opened, we had very cool clothing created by both Fearwerx and Rotten Cotton on sale, which featured a good selection of horror apparel for discerning fans to choose from. You were happy, we were happy, and all was well.
But why stop there? Why not give you guys more choices in how to bodily express your love for horror? Enter the badasses who run Fright Rags, purveyors of some of the coolest horror T-shirts money can buy. We’ve hooked up with them to sell a selection of their apparel in Evilshop, so why not click on over and see just how much more there is to consider in the most evil store online?
In addition we still have Winchester pub mugs, Living Dead Doll apparel (officially licensed!), toys from Mezco and NECA, tons of horror novels from the good folks at Leisure Books, and a hellluva lot more! So go show your support for both Dread Central and horror and buy some cool shit now!
Talk about if clothes make the man or if it’s the other way around in the Dread Central forums!