EXCLUSIVE: Shock Festival Art in Hills Run Red!

Just got the first word from Stephen Romano himself that posters from the upcoming Shock Festival book will be appearing in The Hills Run Red.
“I just inked a deal yesterday with the producers of The Hills Run Red to feature the posters of Shock Festival in two crucial scenes, one of which goes before the cameras TOMORROW MORNING, May 28! The film is directed by Dave Parker, the mad genius behind the Masters of Horror documentary of years gone by (not to be confused with the fine horror series I wrote the pilot episode for) and the quirky-as-hell Italian horror tribute film The Dead Hate the Living. He also wrote House of the Dead, but, as we also know, the state of that particular effort was not his fault at all. (Can you say “Postal?”) Dave’s doing it right this time, working from a script by the legendary Dave Schow, with designs and effects work by Shock Festival studio artist Mike Broom, who is also hard at work currently on Wolverine. (Mike designed the big tentacle monster and the scary insectiod thingies from The Mist, too!)
“The Hills Run Red involves a cursed movie and bloody mayhem inside an actual grindhouse theater, so Parker called on us Shock Festival guys to provide our authentic brand of exploitation art madness!
“Many of the images from my book will be featured as posters hanging in the lobby of the theater, and Mike Broom is designing the poster for the film-within-a-film as we speak! Mike’s work is featured quite a lot in Shock Festival, too, as in this wild bit of nature-gone-berserk madness that he and I created together! (Mike did the amazing key art, I did the layout and design.) This is one of the posters Dave Parker asked for by name to feature in his film. Dave’s been plugging away on the edges of infamy for years, and we support his uptown move one hundred percent. His new film will be a major studio release from Warner Brothers and Silver Pictures. Watch for it, and pre-order your copy of Shock Festival!!! right now!”
– Syxx
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