Behind-the-Scenes of Twilight

Ah, yes! Cute kids! Bare branches! Wire work! You can just smell the happiness in the air when it comes to the cotton candy sweetness that is the upcoming slice of teeny-bopper horror Twilight.
Eagle-eyed reader Hunter Lurie pointed us in the direction of a bunch of on-set practice photos that have seared their way into my memory. Sure I could be discounting this movie completely but … but … Screw it. I don’t have any buts. I think this flick is gonna inhale a copious amount of yak balls.
Nevertheless, we here at Dread Central make it a practice to cover all types of horror even when it’s just on the fringe of our genre. Someone out there is interested in this, and I say more power to them. Whatever makes you happy! Click here for the rest of the pictures.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to buy some Hello Kitty merch on eBay so that I can have the pleasure of burning it on my front lawn while dancing nude around the soaring flames of burning rainbows, unrequited happiness, and pencil shavings littered from the plastic of a thousand sharpeners. Huzzah.
Burn your cute stuff in our Dread Central forums!