Ice Cream Man 2: Sundae Bloody Sundae Looking to Get Kickstarted

Travel back with us to 1995. Major earthquakes in Kobe, Japan, kill over 10k people. Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia dies. Rapper Tupac Shakur is convicted on a sexual assault charge and sentenced to up to 4-1/2 years in prison. An estimated 150 million people watch as the not guilty verdict is read in the O. J. Simpson case. Clint Howard stars in the horror flick Ice Cream Man. Today Clint Howard is looking to add a double scoop to his terror tale.
From the Ice Cream Man Kickstarter site
It’s been twenty years since ICE CREAM MAN — an iconic spectacle of gore, blood, and mayhem — exploded onto the big screen. Audiences couldn’t get enough of Howard’s mental-patient-turned-sweet-treat-scooper Gregory, who laced his frozen creations with bugs and choice bits of corpses and served them up to unsuspecting, Converse-wearing kids out for summer fun. In fact, the original ICE CREAM MAN has become a classic in the B-movie canon, cheerfully terrorizing two decades of viewers with low-budget action, cheesy dialogue, and some of the most creative uses of severed heads ever seen on screen.
As the original ICE CREAM MAN’s popularity has skyrocketed among horror film and B-movie aficionados, star Howard and producer Norman Apstein have considered a sequel that takes the story beyond the kid’s movie genre and ratchets the horror quotient up—notch by blood-soaked notch. ICE CREAM MAN 2: SUNDAE BLOODY SUNDAE won’t be a movie for children—it’s a tale of revenge, chock-full of murderous intent, laced with dripping entrails, and served up ice cold. The Rocketeers—Johnny, Heather, Tuna, and Small Paul—are all grown up now, and Gregory wants them to suffer. Really suffer. Torture and violence are on the menu, and it’s going to be sweet.
Interested? Hit up the above link!