Scream Factory Turning Eco-Horrors Food of the Gods and Frogs from Green to Blu

Can’t say I didn’t see this one coming. With all the past MGM “Midnite Movies” Scream Factory has been announcing thus far this month, I figured some nature gone amok titles from the ecological disaster era of Seventies cinema were bound to rear their human-hating heads.
Bert I. Gordon (AKA the man who gifted the world with such Atomic Age greats as The Amazing Colossal Man, Beginning of the End, and Earth vs. the Spider) was behind 1976’s Food of the Gods, a very loose adaptation of H.G. Wells’ classic tale. Quite appropriate calling this film cheesy since the central characters are primarily being attacked by giant rats.
While it makes more sense to pair this one with Empire of the Ants (Gordon’s follow-up, also loosely based on an H.G. Wells tale), instead Scream Factory has announced on its Facebook page that Food of the Gods will be released as a double-feature Blu-ray with another Seventies killer animal classic: Frogs.
The Frogs movie poster is an absolute work of pop art as far as I’m concerned, but don’t be fooled into thinking this one is about man-eating frogs. The frogs hold psychic powers over the other critters of the swamp and use them to seek revenge against humanity on behalf of their polluted ecosystem. Sam Elliot, Ray Milland, and Joan Van Ark soon find themselves under attack by dangerous snakes, spiders, and alligators while the frogs make like Hynotoad.
If Scream Factory has a sense of humor, Frogs will include an audio commentary track that’s nothing but the sound of actual frogs croaking and ribbitting for 90 minutes.
We’ll have to wait on this one as the Food of the Gods/Frogs double-feature won’t be coming out until next summer.
Expect more Scream Factory announcements at any moment. Who knows? Empire of the Ants, Tentacles, even a Reptilicus/Yongary, Monster from the Deep double-feature Blu—ray could be feasible at this point.