Creepy Clown Update – Police Find Kern County Clowns to be Anything but Amusing

And here we thought they were all nice, balloon-bending lovers of fun… Apparently the clown populace does have a dark side, and police in Kern County have had just about their fill of clowns.
In a recent news story we reported that there have been mysterious sightings of eerie clowns in Kern County, CA, and also in some of the neighboring areas. Was it one clown? Or was it multiple jesters working in cahoots with each other? Whatever it was, it’s something much bigger now, as the clown invasion of Kern County has started to reach epidemic proportions, and the police force is none too happy about it.
This whole ordeal started with what we’ve now come to know as the Wasco Clown. As it turns out, this was a husband and wife team looking to stir things up a bit. He would dress as the creepy clown and she would photograph him and they would post the image to social media sites. Now that’s a pretty cool idea, especially around Halloween.
Unfortunately, things got a bit carried away. Suddenly clowns started showing up in other areas. Delasco and Bakersfield both spawned their own clowns, and soon urban legends started forming around these mysterious figures. Some told of clowns wielding weapons, chasing children, etc. The original Wasco Clown couple maintain their non-violent beliefs and claim to have nothing to do with these imitators.
Last Saturday police were told a clown with a gun was spotted in Bakersfield, but he was not located. One child said he was chased by a clown carrying an axe (honestly, who among us hasn’t dreamed up that nightmare?), but that was an unsubstantiated report. Police did catch one copycat clown chasing teens around and they hauled him in on suspicion of “annoying a minor.” (Annoying a minor? Could there be a less serious sounding charge?) As it turned out, the offender was a teen himself copying the clowns before him. Imitation surely is the purest form of flattery.
Okay, so what do we know? We know that law enforcement officials in the Wasco County area are about fed up with clowns. They’ve had over 20 reports of armed clowns in the area and are done fooling around with the lot. Bakersfield Police Sgt. Joseph Grubbs told the L.A. Times that they fear the situation could escalate and said, “We will make arrests on this. We want this to stop.”