Real Clowns Not Happy With American Horror Story’s Depiction of Their Kind

Premiering last week on FX, “American Horror Story: Freak Show” introduced the world to Twisty, one of the most downright terrifying clowns in the history of horror.
Just as those with a fear of red noses weren’t happy about seeing the character pop up on their TV, neither were those who make a living wearing those red noses…
THR reports that the members of Clowns of America International, the nation’s biggest clown club, aren’t very pleased with the show’s depiction of a scary clown as they feel it hurts the public perception of those who slap on the grease paint to bring joy to children.
Despite the fact that scary clowns are nothing new in the world of horror, the president of the club is particularly upset about Twisty (John Carroll Lynch), a serial killer who imprisoned children in a school bus in the “Freak Show” premiere.
“Hollywood makes money sensationalizing the norm,” said outraged president Glenn Kohlberger. “They can take any situation no matter how good or pure and turn it into a nightmare. We do not support in any way, shape, or form any medium that sensationalizes or adds to coulrophobia or ‘clown fear’.”
Membership in the Clowns of America International club has been rapidly dwindling in recent years, down nearly 1,000 members in the past decade. Kohlberger and his fellow clowns feel that entertainment like “American Horror Story” is partly responsible for the decline as the public is now more afraid of clowns than ever before.
Job well done, “American Horror Story.” Consider this outrage a badge of honor, which we hope you wear with pride!