Friday the 13th Set Visit Preview!

It’s 5AM in Austin, TX. I haven’t slept in 24 hours and I have a flight to catch at 9AM. I’m tired, my stomach hurts and I’m more than a little loopy right now. But you know what? None of it matters, because I just spent the day on the set of Friday the 13th!
Go with me here; I’ve been watching the F13 series as long as I can remember. I have a vivid recollection of being over at one of my parent’s friends houses who were watching the original and having nightmares for weeks when the young, deformed Jason leaps out of the water to pull down Alice at the end. So to actually be on the set of a Friday the 13th film, to see Jason in action and to hear how happy everyone there is with what they’ve done so far; it’s a pretty big freakin’ deal to be honest.
I’ll admit, I’ve lambasted Platinum Dunes in the past as a remake machine, seemingly leaving no horror property untouched but man, they know what they’re doing with this movie. Andrew Form and Brad Fuller, the producers behind Dunes, have a genuine love for the genre and a strong desire to do this film right. Don’t worry about the pervading sense of doom & gloom that have come with all their other remakes, they went into Friday the 13th knowing that part of what made the original films so great was the fact that they were fun as well as violent, and they’ve wanted to do something fun for a long time.
I wish I could dish out the details we learned while on set, tell you about some of the badass things we watched being filmed, but I just can’t. Yet. As Friday, February 13th, 2009 looms closer, you’ll be hearing more and more about my day in the presence of a new and decidedly improved Jason Voorhees, and the hapless college kids who are his latest victims.
For now, though, let me just say that if Platinum Dunes can accomplish what they have set out to do with this franchise reboot, Friday the 13th fans are going to be very happy, indeed.
Discuss your hopes for the remake in the Dread Central forums!