Spider Burrows into a Man’s Sternum

Having been one of the lucky few who have experienced appendicitis, I can honestly tell you it’s one of the worst minor afflictions anyone could have. However, it could be worse. Especially if a spider decides to burrow into your scar and live inside your chest.
Such was the fate of one Dylan Thomas of Bunbury in Australia. Thomas was in Bali on vacation when he noticed a mysterious red trail stretching two inches from his belly towards his left nipple.
“It was like someone had scratched me with a knife,” he told NT News. “It wasn’t really a tickling sensation; obviously once the venom started to affect my skin, it was a really burning sensation like a searing feeling. Well that’s escalated,” he told Bunbury Mail.
Dylan finally put this harrowing ordeal behind him and has announced on Facebook: “After running tests and putting things inside my stomach, they finally found out it was a tropical spider that’s been living inside of me for the last three days; [they] managed to get it out luckily. Spider man is well and truly going to stick as a nickname here. Haven’t felt so violated in my life before! Just glad it’s all over.”
In the end Thomas had an arachnid “a bit bigger than the size of a match head” removed from his body. The creature was already dead as it was plucked out with tweezers.
Thomas is now hoping his friends will chip in to pay for a Spider-Man tattoo to cover up his scar.