Red Mist Gets Freaky

In news that just kinda came out of nowhere, Fangoria got word that Shrooms (review) director Paddy Breathnach’s follow up feature that has been commonly known as Red Mist will be undergoing a name change, to Freakdog of all things. It turns out that the title just wasn’t going to work well when put on ads and posters, so, according to producer Simon Bosanquet.
Even more interesting is that Breathnach hadn’t planned on re-entering the horror genre so rapidly, “the supernatural element in Freakdog intrigued me. I also loved the journey of the central character, Catherine, who goes from a doctor committed to saving life to one taking lives in the most violent way imaginable. That narrative drive, coupled with the unusual plot surprises, setpiece killings and major stuntwork, made it an interesting challenge.”
Freakdog started rolling back in February with an eye pleasing cast of Sarah Carter, Stephen Dillane and Arielle Kebbel.
– Syxx
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