Official Plot for L: Change the World

In a story over on Twitch about the English-subtitled DVD release of L: Change the World in Hong Kong, my ocular organs ran across a full plot synopsis for the film, which I realized I had never read before. We’ve been reporting on the Death Note sequel/spin-off for months now, but never actually knew what it was about. Strange.
Anyway, here is the synopsis that’s posted on the film’s page for the New York Asian Film Festival, where L is making it’s North American premiere; Somewhere in Thailand an engineered virus causes the populace of a small village to erupt in killer acne that melts their skin. It’s the latest toy on the weapons black market, something that terrorists can give each other for Christmas, but there’s only one problem: the virus has mutated and the antidote no longer works. The village is wiped out with a firebomb, but one little kid escapes. He’s a carrier and he makes a bee-line for Tokyo, running from a gang of eco-terrorists who want to save the environment by wiping out the world’s biggest polluter – mankind – using the virus still lurking in this kid’s veins. Once in Tokyo, L takes the kid under his wing and vows to use the last days he’ll spend alive protecting him from the people who want his blood. What follows is a breathless cat and mouse game between L, the terrorists and the police, all of whom want the kids for their own reasons.
Sounds like a lot of fun to me; can’t wait to see the results of that virus. And you thought your complexion was bad; at least you have one! We’ll have more on L: Change the World as it’s eventual North American DVD release approaches, so stick around!
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